14-year-old Dev Shah averts national spelling bee default by correctly spelling 'debt limit psammophile'

Breaking news from the world of competitive spelling! 14-year-old Dev Shah has managed to avert a national spelling bee default by correctly spelling the tongue-twisting phrase 'debt limit psammophile'.

While the rest of us struggle to spell words like 'necessary' or 'accommodation', Dev has managed to master the art of spelling words that not only sound like they were made up on the spot, but are also about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

When asked about his secret to spelling success, Dev simply replied, "I just memorize the dictionary, one word at a time." Ah, of course. Why didn't we think of that?

But let's not forget the real hero of this story: the word 'psammophile'. For those of you who don't know (and let's face it, that's probably most of us), psammophiles are organisms that thrive in sandy environments. Because who doesn't love a good bit of sand in their shoes?

So, to recap: Dev Shah has successfully spelled a word that no one has ever heard of, that is about as useful as a chocolate teapot, and that is only relevant to a tiny subset of the population. We can only imagine what other feats of spelling prowess he has up his sleeve.

But let's not get too carried away. After all, the national spelling bee only comes around once a year. For the rest of us, there's always autocorrect.