Biden to meet with Zelensky during NATO summit... to Discuss Trading Pokémon Cards

In a surprising turn of events, President Joe Biden has announced that he will be meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during the upcoming NATO summit. However, the purpose of this meeting has left many scratching their heads. It seems that the leaders have a pressing matter to discuss: trading Pokémon cards.

Yes, you read that correctly. In the midst of global crises, political tensions, and economic challenges, the leaders of two powerful nations have decided to prioritize their Pokémon collections. Forget about nuclear disarmament or climate change; it's time to catch 'em all!

According to sources close to the matter, President Biden has been working tirelessly to complete his Pokémon card collection. He has been scouring online marketplaces, attending underground trading events, and even organizing secret meetings with fellow enthusiasts. It appears that he is only missing a holographic Charizard to complete his set, and he believes President Zelensky may be the key to acquiring this elusive card.

President Zelensky, on the other hand, is rumored to possess a rare first edition Pikachu card. This card is highly sought after by collectors worldwide, and President Biden is willing to go to great lengths to add it to his collection. The two leaders have reportedly been negotiating behind the scenes, discussing potential trade offers and evaluating the market value of their respective cards.

While some may question the wisdom of dedicating precious diplomatic resources to Pokémon cards, others argue that this meeting could have far-reaching implications. Perhaps this exchange of cards could pave the way for improved relations between the United States and Ukraine. Maybe it will inspire other world leaders to engage in similar card-trading diplomacy. Who knows, we might soon witness a UN summit where world leaders haggle over holographic holograms!

Of course, there are skeptics who believe that this meeting is nothing more than a distraction from more pressing issues. They argue that the leaders should be focusing on matters of national security, economic stability, and global cooperation. But hey, who needs peace treaties when you can have a shiny Charizard, right?

As the NATO summit approaches, the world eagerly awaits updates on the outcome of this historic meeting. Will President Biden finally complete his Pokémon collection? Will President Zelensky part ways with his beloved Pikachu card? Only time will tell. In the meantime, let's hope that these leaders remember to bring their binders, card protectors, and a healthy dose of humor to the negotiating table.