Breaking News: Ronald Dump claims he's been abducted by aliens in secret taco case while skydiving through hazardous smoke

In a shocking turn of events, Ronald Dump, the former president of the United States, has claimed that he was abducted by aliens while skydiving through hazardous smoke. According to his statement, he was on a secret mission to retrieve a taco from a top-secret location when he suddenly found himself surrounded by extraterrestrial beings.

The incident reportedly took place in a remote area of New Mexico, where Dump had apparently gone to satisfy his craving for tacos. Sources close to him suggest that he had been planning this mission for weeks and had even hired a team of skydivers to help him with the task.

However, things took a bizarre turn when Dump found himself plummeting through thick smoke, which he claims was caused by a nearby forest fire. In the midst of the chaos, he says he was suddenly beamed up into a spacecraft by aliens who were interested in his taco.

According to Dump, he was held captive by the aliens for several hours and was subjected to various experiments and probes. He claims that he was eventually released after he convinced the aliens that the taco was not a weapon of mass destruction.

As expected, the news of Dump's alleged alien abduction has sparked a frenzy on social media, with many people expressing their disbelief and amusement. Some have even suggested that the incident may have been a publicity stunt orchestrated by the former president himself.

Whatever the truth behind this bizarre story may be, one thing is for sure: Ronald Dump's taco cravings have reached new heights, and he will stop at nothing to satisfy them.