California Man Builds Ark to Prepare for Life-Threatening Storm Expected to Bring Flood of Avocado Toast

In a stunning display of preparedness, a California man has taken it upon himself to build an ark in anticipation of a life-threatening storm that is rumored to bring a flood of avocado toast. Yes, you read that right. While most people might scoff at the idea of a toast-induced catastrophe, this man is not taking any chances. After all, who knows what havoc a flood of avocado toast could wreak upon our fair state?

According to local reports, the man, who wishes to remain anonymous, has spent months meticulously constructing his ark out of reclaimed wood and recycled avocado skins. The vessel, which is said to be avocado-shaped and capable of holding up to 100 people, is a sight to behold. It even comes equipped with a built-in guacamole bar and a bottomless supply of tortilla chips, because what's an ark without some snacks?

When asked about his motivation for building the ark, the man explained, "I've seen the devastation that avocado toast can cause. It's a serious matter. Just think about all the millennials who will be left without their beloved brunch staple if this flood hits. I couldn't live with myself knowing I didn't do everything in my power to save the avocado toast."

While some may dismiss his efforts as extreme, the man has garnered a small following of like-minded individuals who share his concerns. They have formed a support group called "Avocado Ark Advocates" and meet weekly to discuss their plans for survival in the event of a toastpocalypse.

Not everyone is convinced, however. Critics argue that the man's ark is nothing more than a publicity stunt or an elaborate excuse to throw a wild avocado-themed party. One local resident scoffed, "I mean, come on. Avocado toast flooding? That's just ridiculous. This guy needs to find a better hobby."

Despite the skepticism, the man remains steadfast in his mission. He has even started a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for additional avocado-related safety measures, such as inflatable avocado life rafts and avocado-shaped umbrellas. So far, he has received a surprising amount of support, with many people donating their hard-earned money to support his cause.

As the storm looms closer, only time will tell if the man's efforts will pay off. Will his avocado ark be the key to survival in the face of a toast tsunami? Or will it be nothing more than a quirky footnote in California's history? Whatever the outcome, one thing is for certain: this man has certainly given us something to toast about.