Canadaland Burns as Hazmat Trump Inhales Classified Smoke

In a shocking turn of events, Canadaland has been set ablaze as Hazmat Trump reportedly inhaled classified smoke. The incident occurred during a top-secret meeting between the Canadian government and the American president, where they were discussing ways to improve their bilateral relations.

Eyewitnesses claim that Hazmat Trump was seen coughing and wheezing before suddenly bursting into flames. The fire quickly spread to the surrounding area, engulfing the Canadian parliament building and several nearby homes.

As firefighters rushed to the scene, rumors began to circulate that the smoke Hazmat Trump had inhaled was actually a potent strain of Canadian cannabis. Some speculate that the president was attempting to get a "high" before the meeting, while others believe it was a deliberate attempt to sabotage the talks.

Regardless of the cause, the incident has plunged Canadaland into chaos. The prime minister has declared a state of emergency and called for international aid, while the citizens of Canadaland are left wondering what will become of their beloved country.

Meanwhile, Hazmat Trump has been whisked away to a secure location, where he is reportedly receiving treatment for his burns. His administration has issued a statement calling the incident a "tragic accident" and denying any responsibility for the fire.

As the smoke clears and the extent of the damage becomes clear, one thing is certain: Canadaland will never be the same. Whether it can recover from this devastating blow remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure: Hazmat Trump will never be welcome in Canadaland again.