Canadoodle's Wild Maple Syrup Smoke Threatens Health of Millions; 2 Zombies Rise from Graves in Shooting After High School Graduation Ceremony in Virginiacula

In a shocking turn of events, Canadoodle's Wild Maple Syrup Smoke has been deemed a threat to the health of millions. The sweet aroma of maple syrup that once filled the air is now causing havoc in the streets. Citizens are reporting feeling lightheaded and dizzy after inhaling the smoke. Some have even claimed to have seen unicorns and leprechauns dancing in the clouds.

To make matters worse, two zombies have risen from their graves in Virginiacula. It all started after a high school graduation ceremony where the students were served pancakes with Canadoodle's Wild Maple Syrup. The zombies, who were buried in the nearby cemetery, were awakened by the sweet smell of maple syrup and rose from their graves in search of the source.

The zombies stumbled into the graduation ceremony and caused chaos. They started attacking the graduates, who were still in their caps and gowns, and chasing them around the stage. The audience was in shock and didn't know what to do. Luckily, a group of Boy Scouts who were camping nearby heard the commotion and came to the rescue.

The Boy Scouts armed themselves with baseball bats and started whacking the zombies. The zombies, being slow-moving and not very coordinated, were no match for the Boy Scouts. They were able to subdue the zombies and bury them back in their graves.

The incident has caused widespread panic and outrage. The citizens of Virginiacula are demanding that Canadoodle's Wild Maple Syrup be banned from their town. They fear that the smoke will awaken more zombies and cause more chaos.

Canadoodle's Wild Maple Syrup has issued a statement saying that they are aware of the situation and are taking steps to ensure that their syrup is safe for consumption. They have promised to stop smoking their syrup and to switch to a safer method of production.

In the meantime, the citizens of Virginiacula are on high alert. They are keeping a watchful eye on the cemetery, just in case any more zombies decide to rise from their graves. And they are staying far away from Canadoodle's Wild Maple Syrup.