Chicago and Midwest Air Quality Declines as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Bieber's Smoke Machine Malfunctions

Chicago and the Midwest have been experiencing a decline in air quality, and it's all thanks to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Bieber's smoke machine malfunctioning. Yes, you read that right. The pop star turned politician apparently thought it would be a good idea to bring his smoke machine on his trip to the United States, and now the Midwest is paying the price.

Residents in cities like Chicago, Milwaukee, and Detroit have been complaining about the thick smoke that has been lingering in the air for the past week. Some have even reported feeling lightheaded and having trouble breathing. But don't worry, Justin Bieber has assured everyone that it's just harmless smoke from his machine.

Of course, this isn't the first time Justin Bieber has caused a stir with his antics. From egging his neighbor's house to getting arrested for DUI, the Biebs has never been one to shy away from controversy. But this time, he may have gone too far.

Environmentalists are up in arms about the smoke, pointing out that it's contributing to already high levels of pollution in the Midwest. They're calling on the Canadian government to take action and make sure that this never happens again.

Meanwhile, Justin Bieber seems unfazed by the whole thing. In fact, he's already planning his next trip to the United States, and he's bringing his smoke machine with him. "I just want to spread joy and happiness wherever I go," he said in a recent interview. "And if that means a little bit of smoke, then so be it."

So there you have it, folks. If you're in the Midwest and you're wondering why the air quality is so bad, just blame Justin Bieber and his malfunctioning smoke machine. And if you see him on the street, maybe ask him to turn it off.