Chuck Norris chases UFO in Texas area before it crashes in Oklahoma. North Korea says it thwarted zombie attack in Pyongyang; unclear if this was start of alien invasion.

In a bizarre turn of events, Chuck Norris was seen chasing a UFO in the Texas area before it eventually crashed in Oklahoma. Witnesses reported that Norris was determined to catch the extraterrestrial spacecraft, as he believed it was a threat to humanity. However, it seems that even the legendary martial artist was no match for the UFO's advanced technology and it managed to escape his grasp.

Meanwhile, in North Korea, the government has claimed to have thwarted a zombie attack in Pyongyang. While this may sound like the beginning of a sci-fi horror movie, it is unclear if this was actually the start of an alien invasion. Perhaps the North Korean officials are just trying to distract their citizens from the real issues at hand.

It's a strange world we live in when Chuck Norris is chasing UFOs and North Korea is battling zombies. Who knows what other unexpected events will occur in the future? Maybe we'll see Kim Jong-un teaming up with Chuck Norris to fight off an alien invasion. Or perhaps the aliens will turn out to be friendly and invite us to join their intergalactic community. One thing's for sure, with these kinds of headlines, we're in for a wild ride.