In a shocking turn of events, President Donald Trump has claimed that he had a conversation with none other than a zombie German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the recent G7 meeting. While many were already skeptical of the president's statements, this latest claim has left even his most ardent supporters scratching their heads.
According to Trump, the conversation with the undead Merkel was "tremendous" and "very productive." He even went on to say that the zombie chancellor had some "great ideas" on trade and immigration. When pressed for details on what those ideas were, Trump simply replied, "You wouldn't understand, they were very complex. Very complex."
It is unclear how Trump was able to communicate with a zombie, let alone hold a conversation with one. Some speculate that the president may have mistaken an extra pale Merkel for a member of the undead. Others believe that Trump's imagination simply got the best of him, as it often does.
Regardless of the truth behind Trump's claim, it is clear that his ability to fabricate stories knows no bounds. From his "covfefe" tweet to his insistence that he has the "best words," Trump has shown time and time again that he has a flair for the dramatic. And what better way to spice up a mundane G7 meeting than by adding a zombie into the mix?
Of course, this isn't the first time Trump has made outlandish statements. Who can forget his claim that windmills cause cancer or his suggestion to nuke hurricanes? The man has a knack for saying things that are so absurd, they could only be the product of a fever dream.
As expected, the reaction to Trump's claim has been mixed. Some have dismissed it as yet another example of the president's wild imagination, while others have expressed concern over his mental state. One Twitter user wrote, "I can't believe I have to say this, but zombies aren't real, Mr. President."
While it's easy to dismiss Trump's claims as mere entertainment, it's important to remember that he is the leader of the free world. His words carry weight and can have real-world consequences. So, the next time he claims to have spoken with a zombie, maybe it's time to start questioning whether he's fit for the job.