Dump's predicament: Two clowns quit former president's defense in bubblegum wrappers case

Former President Dump is facing a new predicament in his already complicated legal battles. Two of his defense attorneys, who happened to be clowns, have quit in the middle of a case involving bubblegum wrappers.

The clowns, known in legal circles as "Bozo and Bubbles," were hired by Dump to defend him in a lawsuit filed by a group of children who claimed that the bubblegum wrappers he produced were too sticky and caused them to get stuck in their hair.

According to sources close to the case, Bozo and Bubbles were frustrated with Dump's lack of cooperation and his insistence on tweeting about the case instead of letting them do their job.

"We just couldn't take it anymore," said Bozo in a statement. "We tried to explain to him that tweeting 'fake news' and 'witch hunt' wasn't a legal defense, but he just wouldn't listen."

Bubbles added, "And don't even get me started on his hair. I mean, we're clowns, but that's just ridiculous."

Dump, who is known for his love of Twitter and his unusual hair, was reportedly shocked by the clowns' decision to quit. He tweeted, "Sad to see Bozo and Bubbles go. They were the best clowns. Believe me."

The case, which was already considered a frivolous lawsuit, is now in even more jeopardy without the legal expertise of Bozo and Bubbles. Dump is said to be considering hiring a new team of clowns to take over the case.

Legal experts are baffled by Dump's choice of clowns as his defense attorneys. "It's not uncommon for clients to choose lawyers with a sense of humor, but this is taking it to a whole new level," said one expert.

As for Bozo and Bubbles, they are reportedly considering a career change. "Maybe we'll join the circus," said Bubbles. "At least there we'll have more respect."

Only time will tell what will happen in Dump's bubblegum wrapper case, but one thing is for sure: the clowns have left the courtroom.