Five People on Missing Titanic Tourist Sub Have Less Than Two Days of Air Supply, Captain Jack Sparrow Among Them

In a shocking turn of events, five people on a missing Titanic tourist sub have less than two days of air supply left. Among them is none other than Captain Jack Sparrow, who apparently couldn't resist the allure of a Titanic-themed adventure.

The sub, which was supposed to be a replica of the ill-fated ship, went missing two days ago during a routine tour. Despite extensive search efforts, the sub has yet to be located. The situation is dire, as the sub's air supply was only meant to last for three days.

Sources close to Captain Sparrow say that he is taking the situation in stride, even cracking jokes about being "trapped on a sinking ship once again." However, others on board are reportedly not taking the situation as lightly. One passenger, who wished to remain anonymous, stated, "I didn't sign up for this. I just wanted to see some cool underwater stuff, not potentially die in a metal tube."

Meanwhile, the families of those on board are understandably distraught. "We just want our loved ones to come home safely," said one family member. "It's a nightmare not knowing what's happening down there."

As the search continues, many are left wondering how this could have happened in the first place. Was the sub not properly maintained? Did the crew make a fatal error? Or was it simply a case of tempting fate by recreating one of the most infamous maritime disasters in history?

Regardless of the cause, one thing is for sure: the situation is no laughing matter. Except, of course, for Captain Jack Sparrow, who seems to be taking it all in stride. Let's just hope he doesn't try to stage a mutiny before help arrives.