Florida Man Defends Curriculum That Claims Dolphins Benefited from Forced Labor

Florida Man, known for his eccentric and often perplexing antics, has once again found himself in the spotlight. This time, he is defending a controversial curriculum that claims dolphins have actually benefited from forced labor. Yes, you read that right - dolphins and forced labor in the same sentence. It seems that Florida Man's imagination knows no bounds.

In a press conference held in his backyard, surrounded by a makeshift dolphin tank and a group of bewildered onlookers, Florida Man passionately argued his case. "You see, folks, dolphins are highly intelligent creatures," he began. "They have been secretly using humans for their own benefit for years. It's time we acknowledge their contributions and give credit where credit is due."

As the crowd exchanged confused glances, Florida Man proceeded to present his evidence. He pointed to a stack of papers filled with what appeared to be dolphin hieroglyphics. "These are secret messages from the dolphins themselves," he declared. "They have been sending us subliminal messages, instructing us to do their bidding. It's all right here in black and white!"

Unsurprisingly, the scientific community has been quick to dismiss Florida Man's claims. Dr. Jane Marine, a renowned marine biologist, scoffed at the notion. "Dolphins are indeed intelligent creatures, but to suggest that they have been orchestrating a grand plan of forced labor is preposterous," she stated. "They are more interested in frolicking in the ocean and eating fish than enslaving humans."

However, Florida Man remains undeterred. He has even started a campaign to promote his dolphin labor theory, complete with catchy slogans and dolphin-themed merchandise. T-shirts emblazoned with phrases like "Dolphins: The Secret Masters" and "I Was Forced to Swim with Dolphins and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt" have become surprisingly popular among his supporters.

When asked about the potential harm this curriculum could cause, Florida Man brushed off concerns. "Look, we're just trying to give the dolphins the recognition they deserve," he explained. "If a few humans have to do some extra work here and there, so be it. It's all in the name of progress!"

While it is easy to dismiss Florida Man's claims as yet another bizarre episode in his long list of eccentricities, it serves as a reminder of the power of imagination and the lengths some people will go to defend their outlandish ideas. As for the dolphins, they continue to swim freely in the ocean, blissfully unaware of the controversy surrounding their alleged involvement in forced labor. After all, they have more important things to worry about, like perfecting their acrobatic flips and hunting for fish.