Florida Man Ronny DeSantis Denies Existence of Slavery, Claims it Was Just a Statewide Game of Hide and Seek

Florida Man Ronny DeSantis, the state's esteemed governor, has once again managed to leave the nation in a state of disbelief with his latest controversial statement. In a recent press conference, DeSantis boldly denied the existence of slavery, claiming that it was nothing more than a statewide game of hide and seek.

As reporters and citizens alike stared at him in utter disbelief, DeSantis elaborated on his peculiar theory. "You see, folks, what they call 'slavery' was actually just a really intense game that Floridians used to play back in the day. It was like a massive game of hide and seek, but with more chains and less fun," he explained with a straight face.

DeSantis went on to describe how plantation owners would seek out their enslaved workers, who were apparently experts at hiding. "They would hide in these little cabins and fields, and the owners would have to find them. It was a test of skill and cunning, really," he added, seemingly oblivious to the historical facts.

When confronted with the overwhelming evidence of the brutal treatment and dehumanization of enslaved individuals, DeSantis dismissed it as mere exaggeration. "Look, people love to exaggerate things. Sure, there might have been a few minor inconveniences, but it was all in good fun," he insisted, as jaws dropped across the room.

The governor's audacious claims did not sit well with historians and civil rights activists, who were quick to condemn his remarks. "It's astonishing that someone in such a position of power could be so ignorant and dismissive of one of the darkest chapters in American history," said renowned historian Dr. Jane Thompson.

Meanwhile, social media erupted with a mix of outrage and mockery. The hashtag #HideAndSeekGate began trending, with users sharing sarcastic memes and jokes about DeSantis' baffling denial of reality.

As the backlash grew, DeSantis attempted to clarify his statement, but only managed to dig himself into a deeper hole. "Okay, maybe it wasn't exactly hide and seek. Maybe it was more like a massive game of tag. Yeah, that's it! They were just playing tag, and the chains were like extra long arms for tagging," he stumbled through his attempted explanation.

While many Floridians were left shaking their heads in disbelief, some die-hard supporters of the governor praised his "creative" interpretation of history. "I always knew there was something fishy about those history books. Leave it to DeSantis to uncover the truth!" exclaimed one enthusiastic supporter.

As the nation continues to grapple with the ongoing debate over historical accuracy and the responsibility of elected officials, one thing remains clear: Florida Man Ronny DeSantis has once again managed to push the boundaries of absurdity with his outlandish claims.