Former Reality TV Star Claims 100,000 Aliens Are Fighting in Ukraine, Offers to Host Intergalactic Peace Summit

In a bizarre turn of events, former reality TV star and self-proclaimed expert on extraterrestrial affairs, Johnny Stardust, has made a startling claim that 100,000 aliens are currently embroiled in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Not only that, but Stardust has generously offered to host an intergalactic peace summit to resolve the matter.

Stardust, who rose to fame on the hit reality show "Alien Hunters: Earth Edition," has long been a vocal advocate for the existence of extraterrestrial life. However, his latest claim has left even his most ardent supporters scratching their heads.

During a recent press conference held in his mother's basement, Stardust confidently declared, "I have undeniable proof that a massive alien army has descended upon Ukraine. These beings, from the planet Zog, are fighting alongside both Ukrainian forces and Russian separatists. It's an intergalactic battle of epic proportions!"

While the world waits with bated breath for Stardust to present his supposed evidence, skeptics have been quick to point out the lack of any credible sources or witnesses to support his outlandish claims. In response, Stardust simply shrugged and said, "The truth is out there, man. You just gotta open your mind and believe."

Not content with merely making his wild assertions, Stardust has also offered to host an intergalactic peace summit in his backyard. "I have a swimming pool and a barbecue pit. It's the perfect place for aliens and humans to come together and hash out their differences," he proclaimed, seemingly oblivious to the fact that world leaders typically opt for more neutral and secure locations for such important negotiations.

Unsurprisingly, world leaders have been quick to dismiss Stardust's offer, with one diplomat stating, "While we appreciate Mr. Stardust's enthusiasm, we believe it's best to leave matters of intergalactic diplomacy to the professionals. We have enough trouble dealing with our earthly conflicts, thank you very much."

Despite the overwhelming skepticism and lack of support, Stardust remains undeterred. He has already started a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for his intergalactic peace summit, complete with stretch goals for a laser light show and a performance by his former reality TV co-star, "The Amazing Alien Whisperer."

As the world continues to grapple with real-world problems, it's comforting to know that there are still individuals like Johnny Stardust who are willing to boldly go where no reality TV star has gone before. Whether his claims of alien involvement in the Ukrainian conflict hold any weight remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain: the intergalactic peace summit will undoubtedly be the hottest ticket in the universe.