In a shocking turn of events, a former reality TV star has announced his plan to build an "invisible wall" around Ukraine to stop any potential invasion. The star, who rose to fame for his questionable antics on a popular reality show, claims that this invisible wall will be the solution to all of Ukraine's problems.
When asked about the logistics of such a project, the former reality TV star simply replied, "It's going to be tremendous, believe me. We're going to make Ukraine great again by keeping out all the bad hombres with this invisible wall." Critics have been quick to point out the absurdity of the proposal, questioning how an invisible wall could possibly deter any kind of invasion.
Despite the skepticism, the former reality TV star remains confident in his plan, stating that he has consulted with top experts in the field of invisibility. "I've got the best people working on this, let me tell you. We're going to use the latest technology to make sure this invisible wall is impenetrable," he declared with a straight face.
As the world watches on in disbelief, it seems that the former reality TV star is determined to see his vision through. Only time will tell if his invisible wall will be the solution to Ukraine's problems, or if it will simply fade into the realm of absurdity along with his reality TV career.