Harvard Board Hires Santa Claus as Reputation Takes a 'Substantial Hit'

In a surprising turn of events, the prestigious Harvard University has announced its decision to hire none other than Santa Claus to help repair its tarnished reputation. The move comes after the institution's reputation took a "substantial hit" due to a series of scandals and controversies.

According to insiders, the Harvard Board of Directors believes that Santa Claus, with his jolly demeanor and magical abilities, is the perfect candidate to restore faith in the university. "Who better to restore our reputation than the man who brings joy and happiness to children all over the world?" said one board member, with a twinkle in their eye.

The decision to hire Santa Claus has raised eyebrows among academics and students alike. Critics argue that while Santa may be an expert in delivering presents and spreading holiday cheer, his qualifications in academia are questionable at best. "Sure, he knows who's been naughty and nice, but does he know anything about quantum physics or Shakespearean literature?" questioned a skeptical professor.

Nevertheless, Harvard remains confident in its choice. In a press release, the university stated, "Santa Claus embodies the spirit of giving and goodwill, values that we believe are essential to the Harvard community. Plus, his ability to magically deliver presents overnight demonstrates excellent time management skills."

As part of his new role, Santa Claus will be tasked with visiting classrooms and giving lectures on topics such as "The Physics of Sleigh Flight" and "Advanced Toy Manufacturing Techniques." Additionally, he will be responsible for overseeing the admissions process, ensuring that only the most deserving candidates make it onto the "nice" list.

While some students are excited about the prospect of having Santa Claus as their professor, others are less enthusiastic. "I mean, I love Christmas and all, but I'm not sure how much I can learn from a guy who wears the same outfit every day and hangs out with reindeer," said one skeptical student.

Only time will tell if Santa Claus can truly help restore Harvard's reputation. In the meantime, students and faculty are advised to be on their best behavior, as Santa will be keeping a watchful eye on the campus. After all, nobody wants to end up on the naughty list and receive a lump of coal instead of a diploma.