Judge Limits Bumbling Biden Administration's Contact with Silly Social Media Firms

In a stunning blow to the bumbling Biden administration, a judge has made the wise decision to limit their contact with silly social media firms. It seems that the administration's penchant for stumbling over their own words and making questionable decisions has finally caught up with them.

It's no secret that the Biden administration has a love affair with social media. From the president's infamous Twitter gaffes to the constant stream of cringe-worthy posts from his staff, it's clear that they just can't get enough of the digital world. But now, it seems that their constant need for validation and attention has finally backfired.

The judge's ruling comes as a relief to many Americans who have grown tired of the administration's constant need to pander to the social media giants. It's as if they believe that their every move must be documented and approved by the likes of Facebook and Twitter. But thankfully, the judge has put an end to this madness.

It's hard to forget the countless times that the Biden administration has made a fool of themselves on social media. From mistaking their own website for a social media platform to accidentally tweeting out their lunch plans, it's clear that they are not the most tech-savvy bunch. And yet, they continue to rely on these platforms for their messaging.

But now, thanks to the judge's ruling, the administration will have to find other ways to communicate with the American people. Perhaps they can try sending out carrier pigeons or smoke signals instead. It might be a bit old-fashioned, but at least it would spare us from their constant stream of embarrassing posts.

Of course, the administration is not taking this ruling lying down. They have already vowed to fight back and continue their love affair with social media. But perhaps it's time for them to take a step back and reevaluate their priorities. After all, there are much more important issues at hand than posting selfies and engaging in Twitter wars.

So, let's raise a glass to the judge who had the courage to stand up to the bumbling Biden administration. May their contact with silly social media firms be forever limited, and may we all be spared from their embarrassing antics.