Local Man Causes Hurricane of Laughter, Dumps Year's Worth of Dad Jokes on Southwest

Southwest Airlines passengers were in for a wild ride this week when a local man unleashed a storm of laughter on their flight. Witnesses report that the man, known only as "Dad Joke Extraordinaire," managed to dump a year's worth of cringe-worthy jokes on unsuspecting passengers during the three-hour flight.

The chaos began shortly after takeoff when Dad Joke Extraordinaire seized the intercom system and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. I just flew in from the grocery store, and boy are my arms tired! But don't worry, I won't let that affect my flying skills."

As groans and eye-rolls filled the cabin, the man seemed to gain energy from the negative feedback. He continued, "Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts!"

Passengers were torn between wanting to laugh and wanting to escape the never-ending onslaught of puns. Flight attendants attempted to intervene, but Dad Joke Extraordinaire was on a roll.

"What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!" he exclaimed, causing a ripple of laughter among the passengers who couldn't help but appreciate the absurdity of the situation.

However, as the flight progressed, the jokes became increasingly unbearable. "Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!" Dad Joke Extraordinaire bellowed, causing some passengers to question their decision to fly that day.

One brave soul attempted to confront the man, shouting, "Enough with the dad jokes! We can't take it anymore!" But Dad Joke Extraordinaire simply replied, "Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!"

As the flight finally touched down, a collective sigh of relief could be heard throughout the cabin. Passengers rushed to exit the aircraft, eager to escape the hurricane of laughter that had consumed their journey.

Southwest Airlines released a statement following the incident, assuring passengers that they are taking measures to prevent future dad joke disasters. "We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the excessive dad jokes on Flight 237," the statement read. "We are working to ensure that our flights remain a joke-free zone, except for the occasional turbulence-related punchline."

While some passengers may never fully recover from the dad joke onslaught, others have found solace in sharing their traumatic experience on social media. One passenger tweeted, "Just survived the dad joke hurricane on Southwest. I think I lost a few brain cells, but hey, at least I got a free comedy show!"

As for Dad Joke Extraordinaire, his whereabouts remain unknown. Rumor has it that he's currently planning to take his comedic talents to the high seas, where he hopes to cause a tidal wave of laughter on a cruise ship. Brace yourselves, fellow travelers, for the storm of dad jokes may not be over just yet.