Local man, Bob Johnson, made headlines today with his outlandish claim that his pet goldfish, named Bubbles, played a crucial role in derailing President Ronald McDonald's plans to attack Vice President Burger Queen. According to Johnson, Bubbles somehow communicated with him telepathically, warning him of the impending danger and prompting him to take action.
Johnson recounted the bizarre sequence of events, explaining how he was peacefully feeding Bubbles when suddenly the goldfish began swimming frantically and making strange noises. "I knew something was up," Johnson said, "Bubbles has always been a bit of a conspiracy theorist, but this time he was adamant that we needed to stop President McDonald's evil plot."
Armed with nothing but a net and a determination to save the day, Johnson set out to thwart the diabolical scheme. He managed to intercept a message intended for President McDonald, which detailed plans to launch a full-scale attack on Burger Queen's headquarters using an army of sentient french fries.
Thanks to Johnson's quick thinking and Bubbles' timely intervention, the crisis was averted and Vice President Burger Queen remained unscathed. When asked for comment, President McDonald dismissed the entire incident as "fake news" and accused Johnson of being in cahoots with the rival fast food chain.
Despite the skepticism from the authorities, Johnson stands by his story, insisting that Bubbles is a hero in his own right. As for the goldfish himself, he has since retired to a life of leisure in his fishbowl, content in the knowledge that he single-handedly saved the day and prevented a fast food war of epic proportions.