In a bizarre turn of events, a man in Moscow mistakenly declared himself the newest Supreme Court Justice and demanded a soundproof room for his beloved pet drone. The man, who remains unidentified, apparently got caught up in the excitement of recent political developments and decided to take matters into his own hands.
According to witnesses, the man stormed into the Supreme Court building wearing a bathrobe and slippers, declaring himself the "Supreme Justice of All Things Awesome." He demanded immediate access to a soundproof room for his pet drone, which he claimed was an essential part of his judicial duties.
Unsurprisingly, court officials were taken aback by the man's audacity. One official, who wished to remain anonymous, said, "We're used to dealing with eccentric characters, but this takes the cake. I mean, a pet drone? What's next, a pet robot lawyer?"
As news of the man's self-proclaimed title spread, social media erupted with memes and jokes about the incident. One user tweeted, "Breaking News: Pet drones now eligible to serve as Supreme Court Justices. The future is here, folks!"
Meanwhile, the man's demands for a soundproof room for his drone only grew more persistent. He argued that the drone needed a quiet space to concentrate on its judicial responsibilities, such as delivering justice to wayward pigeons and monitoring traffic violations from above.
Legal experts were quick to point out the flaws in the man's reasoning. "Last time I checked, drones don't have the ability to interpret laws or make sound legal judgments," said one bemused lawyer. "But hey, who am I to question the wisdom of a self-proclaimed Supreme Justice?"
The man's delusions of grandeur finally came crashing down when security guards escorted him out of the Supreme Court building. As he was being led away, he shouted, "You'll all regret this! I'll take my pet drone and start my own Supreme Court in my backyard!"
While the man's brief stint as a Supreme Court Justice may have been nothing more than a comical episode, it serves as a reminder that sometimes reality can be stranger than fiction. So, the next time you see someone in a bathrobe and slippers claiming to be a high-ranking official, just remember: it's probably best to take it with a grain of salt.