Man Mistakes Skyscraper for Giant Zombie, Attempts to Battle with NES-inspired Keyboard

In a bizarre turn of events, a man in downtown New York City mistook a skyscraper for a giant zombie and valiantly attempted to battle it with a keyboard straight out of the 90s. Witnesses were left in stitches as they watched the man, who has been identified as Bob Smith, furiously pounding away at the keys of his NES-inspired keyboard, convinced that he could defeat the towering structure.

Smith, a self-proclaimed video game enthusiast, was apparently on his way to a retro gaming convention when he encountered the skyscraper. In his defense, the building did have a slightly eerie glow to it, which may have contributed to his confusion. However, it was his choice of weapon that truly baffled onlookers.

"I couldn't believe my eyes," said one witness. "He was just standing there, shouting 'Take that, you undead beast!' and smashing his keyboard against the side of the building. It was like something out of a comedy sketch."

As Smith continued his futile attempt to defeat the "zombie," a crowd began to gather, drawn in by the spectacle. Some onlookers even started cheering him on, shouting words of encouragement and offering suggestions on how to defeat the imaginary enemy.

Meanwhile, local authorities were alerted to the situation and quickly arrived on the scene. They attempted to reason with Smith, explaining that the skyscraper was, in fact, not a giant zombie but a perfectly harmless building. However, Smith remained undeterred, convinced that he was engaged in an epic battle for humanity.

Eventually, after several failed attempts to persuade Smith to stop his keyboard assault, the authorities decided to take a different approach. They called in a local video game store owner who happened to be passing by and asked him to speak to Smith.

"I've seen my fair share of gaming-related meltdowns, but this one takes the cake," said the store owner, who goes by the name of Dave. "I walked up to him and casually mentioned that the building was actually a secret level in an unreleased NES game. That seemed to do the trick."

With the promise of a hidden video game level, Smith finally put down his keyboard and stepped away from the skyscraper. He was promptly escorted away by the authorities, who kindly offered to give him a ride to the nearest gaming convention.

As for the skyscraper, it remained unscathed by Smith's valiant but misguided efforts. However, it did gain a new nickname amongst locals - "The Zombie Tower." And every time someone walks by, they can't help but chuckle at the memory of the man who mistook it for a giant undead creature and tried to defeat it with an NES-inspired keyboard.