McBurger and McWrap save the day as Biden and McCarthy avoid US default

McDonald's food becomes official currency to pay US debts

In a shocking turn of events, President Biden and House Minority Leader McCarthy have announced that they have reached a final deal to avoid a US default. However, the real news is how they plan on paying off the country's debts: with McDonald's food. Yes, you read that right. The famous fast-food chain has become the official currency of the United States, thanks to the efforts of the two politicians. According to sources, McBurger and McWrap have been deemed the most valuable items on the menu, and will be used to pay off the country's debts to foreign entities. The decision was met with mixed reactions from Congress, with some members expressing concern over the nutritional value of the food. However, Biden and McCarthy assured everyone that McDonald's food is the perfect solution to the country's financial woes. "We did the math, and it turns out that we can pay off the entire debt with just a few million McWraps," said McCarthy in a press conference. "It's a win-win situation: we get to avoid default, and Americans get to enjoy some delicious fast food." The move has also been praised by McDonald's executives, who have seen a significant increase in sales since the announcement. This is not the first time that fast food has been used as currency. In the early 2000s, Burger King launched a campaign in which customers could pay for their meals with any foreign currency, leading to some interesting exchanges at the cash register. As for the future of the US economy, only time will tell if this unconventional solution will pay off. But for now, Americans can rest easy knowing that their debts are being paid off one McWrap at a time.