Melvin McRib Throws Tantrum in Court, Demands Gag Order Against Ronald McDonald

In a bizarre turn of events at the local courthouse, Melvin McRib, a self-proclaimed fast food connoisseur, threw a tantrum during his court hearing. The reason? He demanded a gag order against none other than the iconic Ronald McDonald.

Witnesses reported that McRib stood up in the middle of the courtroom, waving a half-eaten burger in one hand and a legal document in the other. He ranted about how Ronald McDonald's "constant clowning around" was ruining his reputation as a serious food critic.

McRib's outburst caught everyone off guard, including the judge, who struggled to maintain order in the courtroom. The scene became even more surreal when McRib attempted to serve Ronald McDonald with the gag order himself, only to be escorted out by security.

When asked for comment, Ronald McDonald simply chuckled and said, "I guess some people just can't handle the heat in the kitchen, especially when it comes to a little friendly competition."

As for Melvin McRib, it seems he will have to find another way to silence his fast food nemesis. In the meantime, the courthouse staff are considering installing a drive-thru window for any future legal proceedings involving feuding food critics.