In a shocking turn of events, Melvin McSnitch, the notorious FBI informant, was caught red-handed trying to bribe President Biden with a suitcase full of Monopoly money. The audacity of McSnitch knows no bounds as he attempted to pass off the colorful play money as real currency in exchange for political favors.
Witnesses at the scene reported that McSnitch was sweating profusely and nervously glancing around as he handed over the fake money to President Biden. The President, bewildered by the absurdity of the situation, reportedly burst out laughing before calling security to apprehend the hapless informant.
McSnitch, known for his shady dealings and penchant for deception, seemed genuinely surprised when he was informed that Monopoly money is not considered legal tender. "I thought I was being clever by offering Biden a quick buck, but I guess my plan backfired," McSnitch lamented as he was escorted out of the White House in handcuffs.
The incident has left many questioning the integrity of FBI informants and the lengths they are willing to go to curry favor with those in power. It seems that McSnitch's greed and desperation got the best of him this time, landing him in hot water and providing a much-needed dose of comic relief in the world of politics.
As for President Biden, he reportedly found the whole ordeal highly amusing and even joked about using the Monopoly money to buy some prime real estate on Pennsylvania Avenue. It seems that even in the midst of political turmoil, there is always room for a good laugh at the expense of a bumbling informant like Melvin McSnitch.