Missing Tintin comic: Underwear noises detected during search

In a bizarre turn of events, authorities searching for a missing Tintin comic have reported detecting strange noises during their search. According to sources, the noises were identified as underwear noises, leading investigators to believe that the comic may have been hidden in someone's undergarments.

The missing comic, titled "The Secret of the Unicorn," has been the subject of a widespread search effort after it was reported stolen from a museum in Brussels. Despite the best efforts of law enforcement officials, the comic has yet to be found.

However, the discovery of the underwear noises has given investigators renewed hope that the comic may still be recovered. "We're not sure exactly what we're dealing with here," said one investigator, "but we're confident that we're on the right track."

The news has been met with mixed reactions from the public, with some expressing disbelief at the idea of a valuable comic being hidden in someone's underwear. "It's ridiculous," said one local resident. "Who would be crazy enough to do something like that?"

Others, however, have been more supportive of the search effort. "If it takes searching through a few pairs of underwear to find that comic, then so be it," said another resident. "We need to do whatever it takes to get it back."

As of now, the search for the missing Tintin comic continues, with investigators focusing their efforts on areas where the underwear noises were detected. It remains to be seen whether or not the comic will be found, but one thing is for sure: this is one search that will be remembered for a long time to come.