NATO Chief Discovers Trump's Secret Plan to Abandon Alliance: He's Building a Giant Wall Around Mar-a-Lago

In a shocking turn of events, NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg has apparently stumbled upon President Donald Trump's secret plan to abandon the alliance. And brace yourselves, folks, because it's a doozy. It seems that Trump's grand scheme involves building a massive wall around his beloved Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

Yes, you read that right. The man who famously promised to build a wall along the US-Mexico border to keep out immigrants is now planning to construct an even bigger wall around his own luxury estate. Talk about taking "America First" to a whole new level!

According to anonymous sources within the White House, Trump believes that by isolating himself within the confines of Mar-a-Lago, he can protect himself from the outside world and focus on what truly matters: golf, Twitter, and watching Fox News. Who needs NATO when you have a perfectly good golf course, right?

But the question remains: why Mar-a-Lago? Well, it turns out that Trump has a deep and profound love for his Florida retreat. Some say it's because the resort allows him to escape the pressures of the presidency and indulge in his favorite pastimes. Others speculate that he simply enjoys the company of wealthy elites who can afford the exorbitant membership fees.

Regardless of the reason, it seems that Trump is willing to go to great lengths to protect his precious Mar-a-Lago. Plans for the wall reportedly include a moat filled with alligators, a series of drawbridges, and a state-of-the-art surveillance system to keep out any unwanted visitors. Who needs allies when you have reptiles and high-tech security?

Of course, the international community is in a state of shock. NATO leaders are scratching their heads, wondering how they missed the signs of Trump's impending betrayal. After all, who could have predicted that a man who publicly berated his allies and questioned the value of the alliance would eventually abandon it altogether?

But fear not, dear readers, for there may still be hope. Rumor has it that NATO is considering its own countermeasure to Trump's wall. Sources say they are exploring the possibility of building a giant catapult to launch world leaders over the wall and into Mar-a-Lago, where they can confront Trump face-to-face. It's a risky plan, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

As the world waits with bated breath to see how this wall saga unfolds, one thing is clear: Trump's secret plan to abandon NATO is no longer a secret. And while it may be a blow to international diplomacy, at least we can find solace in the fact that the president's golf game will remain uninterrupted.