Netanyahu Hospitalized for Obsession with Florida Man's Clown Song, Claims White House

Jerusalem - In a shocking turn of events, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been hospitalized for what the White House claims is an obsession with a Florida man's clown song. The news broke when Netanyahu was found uncontrollably humming the catchy tune during a high-level diplomatic meeting. Concerned aides immediately rushed him to the hospital, fearing the worst.

Netanyahu's obsession reportedly began after stumbling upon a viral video of a Florida man dressed as a clown, singing a song about the joys of being a clown. The Prime Minister was instantly captivated by the infectious melody and couldn't resist sharing it with his closest advisors. Little did he know that this innocent act would spiral into a full-blown obsession.

The White House released a statement expressing their deep concern for Netanyahu's well-being. "We have been closely monitoring the situation and it has become evident that Prime Minister Netanyahu's mental state has been severely compromised by this clown song. We are working closely with Israeli officials to ensure he receives the necessary treatment."

Experts are baffled by this peculiar case, with some speculating that Netanyahu may have fallen victim to a new form of psychological warfare. "It's possible that this clown song contains subliminal messages designed to manipulate the minds of world leaders," suggested Dr. Jester, a renowned psychologist. "We must investigate this further to protect our global leaders from falling prey to catchy tunes."

Meanwhile, the Florida man responsible for the viral clown song has become an overnight sensation. His social media accounts have exploded with followers, and he has even been offered a record deal. When asked about Netanyahu's hospitalization, the clown singer responded, "I never expected my song to have such a powerful impact. I hope the Prime Minister recovers soon and can enjoy my future hits."

As news of Netanyahu's obsession spreads, social media has been flooded with memes and jokes about the incident. One Twitter user wrote, "Who knew a clown song could bring down a government?" while another joked, "Maybe we should play the clown song at the United Nations and see what happens."

While the situation is undeniably humorous, it serves as a reminder of the power that viral content can have in today's interconnected world. Let this be a cautionary tale to all world leaders: beware of catchy tunes, for they may just lead to unexpected hospitalizations and international ridicule.