Netanyahu Vows to Defeat Hamster Army with Giant Cheese Wheel, Israel Urges Gazans to Open Popcorn Stands

Jerusalem - In a shocking turn of events, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced his plan to defeat the formidable Hamster Army with a giant cheese wheel. The announcement came during a press conference held at the Knesset, where Netanyahu was seen holding a comically oversized wheel of Swiss cheese.

"We will not stand idly by while these furry terrorists threaten our nation," declared Netanyahu, brandishing the cheese wheel with determination. "This giant cheese wheel will be our secret weapon against the Hamster Army. They won't know what hit them!"

The Hamster Army, known for their lightning-fast speed and cunning tactics, has been a growing concern for Israeli defense forces. With their tiny paws and razor-sharp teeth, these hamsters have managed to infiltrate even the most secure areas, leaving destruction in their wake.

Netanyahu's plan to combat the Hamster Army with a giant cheese wheel has left many scratching their heads. Critics argue that the plan is nothing more than a cheesy gimmick, lacking any real substance or strategic value.

"I mean, seriously? A giant cheese wheel?" scoffed political analyst David Cohen. "What's next? Will he try to defeat ISIS with a giant baguette? It's just absurd."

Meanwhile, in an attempt to ease tensions in the region, Israel has urged Gazans to open popcorn stands along the border. The hope is that the enticing aroma of freshly popped popcorn will distract the Hamster Army, allowing Israeli forces to make their move.

"We believe that the delicious smell of popcorn will divert the attention of the Hamster Army," explained Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman. "While they are busy enjoying their snacks, we can easily capture their leaders and bring an end to this rodent insurgency."

However, the suggestion to open popcorn stands has been met with mixed reactions. Some Gazans see it as a positive opportunity for economic growth, while others view it as a cynical ploy to trivialize the severity of the situation.

"We are tired of being treated like pawns in this never-ending conflict," said Gazan resident Ahmed Abu Hamdan. "First it was kites, now it's popcorn. What's next? Cotton candy to distract the tanks?"

As tensions continue to rise in the region, only time will tell if Netanyahu's giant cheese wheel and the enticing aroma of popcorn will be enough to defeat the Hamster Army. One thing is for certain, though - this bizarre turn of events has left the world both amused and bewildered.