Russia's Blame Game: Pilot Named Kakhovka Slumps Over While Flying Plane That Crashes During Evacuations

Russia is known for its love of the blame game, and the recent plane crash during evacuations was no exception. The pilot in question, named Kakhovka, apparently slumped over while flying the plane, leading to the tragic crash. But who is to blame for this mishap? According to Russian officials, it's not Kakhovka's fault.

In fact, the blame has been placed squarely on the shoulders of the passengers themselves. "If they had just stayed calm and followed the safety procedures, this never would have happened," one government spokesperson declared. "It's not our fault that they panicked and caused the pilot to lose control of the plane."

Of course, this is not the first time that Russia has played the blame game. From election interference to doping scandals, the country has a long history of deflecting responsibility onto others. But blaming the passengers for a plane crash during an evacuation? That takes some serious chutzpah.

Perhaps the most baffling part of this whole ordeal is the fact that Kakhovka is being hailed as a hero. Despite the fact that he slumped over at the controls, he apparently managed to steer the plane away from populated areas before crashing. "He saved countless lives," one official said. "We should be thanking him, not blaming him."

It's hard to know what to make of this latest blame game from Russia. On the one hand, it's a tragic event that deserves serious attention and investigation. On the other hand, it's hard not to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Maybe someday Russia will learn to take responsibility for its actions, but until then, we can only sit back and watch the blame game continue.