Smoke from Burning Pizza Overwhelms the Big Apple as Supreme Court Rules Against Map That Gave Power to the Black Panther

It was chaos in New York City yesterday as smoke from burning pizza overwhelmed the streets. Apparently, a local pizzeria accidentally left their oven on too high and the resulting smoke was so thick that it caused traffic accidents and even some people to faint.

But that wasn't the only thing causing chaos in the Big Apple. The Supreme Court had just ruled against a map that gave power to the Black Panther party, causing outrage and protests throughout the city.

Many were confused as to why a map would have anything to do with a political party, but apparently the map in question was created to give the Black Panther party more voting power in certain districts.

The ruling was met with anger and frustration from supporters of the party, who felt that their rights were being taken away. But others were more concerned with the burning pizza situation.

"I mean, I get that this is a serious issue, but have you smelled that pizza? It's amazing," said one bystander.

The situation eventually calmed down, but not before several pizza lovers had to be restrained from charging into the burning building to save the pies.

As for the ruling against the map, it remains to be seen how it will affect the Black Panther party and their political power. But for now, New Yorkers can rest easy knowing that the pizza crisis has been averted.