Trevor Queen: US Soldier in North Korea Arrested After Pillow Fight in Seoul

In a shocking turn of events, Trevor Queen, a US soldier stationed in North Korea, has been arrested after engaging in a ferocious pillow fight in Seoul. The incident, which took place in a local hotel, has left the world questioning the sanity of the soldiers stationed in the hermit kingdom.

According to eyewitnesses, the pillow fight started innocently enough, with Queen and his fellow soldiers playfully whacking each other with fluffy pillows. However, things quickly spiraled out of control when Queen unleashed his secret weapon - a pillow filled with feathers so soft, it could lull even the most battle-hardened soldier into a peaceful slumber.

As feathers flew through the air, chaos ensued. Hotel guests, caught in the crossfire, ducked for cover as pillows exploded with the force of a thousand down-filled clouds. The scene resembled something out of a bizarre dream, where combatants fought not with guns and grenades, but with pillows and laughter.

It didn't take long for the local authorities to arrive on the scene, bewildered by the sight before them. They quickly apprehended Queen, who was still swinging his pillow with a gleeful grin on his face. The North Korean officials, known for their strict adherence to rules and regulations, were not amused by the soldier's antics.

Queen's arrest has sparked a diplomatic crisis between the United States and North Korea. The North Korean government has demanded an apology and compensation for the feathers that littered the hotel lobby. The US government, however, has responded with a statement claiming that the pillow fight was merely a "friendly competition" and should be taken in good humor.

This incident has also raised concerns about the mental state of the soldiers stationed in North Korea. Are they so starved for entertainment that a pillow fight becomes the highlight of their day? Or is this just another example of the absurdity that often accompanies life in the hermit kingdom?

Regardless of the outcome of this diplomatic dispute, one thing is for certain: Trevor Queen will forever be remembered as the soldier who dared to engage in a pillow fight in the heart of North Korea. His name will go down in history, alongside other great military blunders, as a cautionary tale of the perils of pillow warfare.