Trump Claims He Can Control Weather, Plans to Use Rain and Winds to Drown Out Border Deal

In a stunning display of his self-proclaimed omnipotence, President Donald Trump recently declared that he possesses the extraordinary ability to control the weather. Yes, you read that correctly. Apparently, not content with just building walls and tweeting up a storm, Trump now wants to literally control the storm.

According to anonymous sources, Trump plans to use his newfound meteorological powers to sabotage the recently reached border deal. His diabolical plan involves summoning torrential rain and powerful winds to drown out any hopes of compromise and wash away any semblance of bipartisan agreement.

While some may dismiss this as yet another outrageous claim from the President, Trump insists that he has been honing his weather manipulation skills for years. He allegedly spent countless hours studying ancient texts, consulting with mystical weather gurus, and binge-watching episodes of "The Weather Channel" to perfect his craft.

During a recent press conference, Trump confidently declared, "I have the best weather control abilities, believe me. No one controls the weather better than me. I can make it rain on command, and I can make the wind blow in any direction I want. It's tremendous, folks."

Unsurprisingly, the scientific community has been quick to denounce Trump's claims. Meteorologists from around the world have collectively rolled their eyes and issued statements explaining that weather patterns are complex and cannot be controlled by any individual, no matter how powerful they may think they are.

One prominent meteorologist, Dr. Storm Chaser, stated, "It's laughable to suggest that anyone can control the weather. If that were possible, I would have ordered sunny skies for all my outdoor barbecues instead of getting rained on every time."

Despite the overwhelming skepticism, Trump remains undeterred. He reportedly plans to hire a team of weather experts, including Storm from the X-Men and the Wicked Witch of the West, to assist him in his quest for meteorological domination.

When asked about the potential consequences of his weather manipulation antics, Trump brushed off concerns and assured the public that he has everything under control. "Look, I'm a stable genius, okay? I know what I'm doing. If a little rain and wind disrupts a border deal, so be it. We'll just build a bigger wall to keep it out."

As the nation braces itself for Trump's weather control experiment, it's worth remembering that this is not the first time he has made outlandish claims. From his alleged ability to shoot laser beams from his eyes to his secret moon base, Trump's imagination seems to know no bounds. Perhaps it's time for him to focus less on controlling the weather and more on controlling his Twitter fingers.