Trump Claims He Invented Time Travel to Overturn Election Loss

In a stunning turn of events, former President Donald Trump has announced that he single-handedly invented time travel in order to overturn his election loss. In a series of late-night tweets, Trump claimed that he discovered the secret to time travel during his presidency and has been using it to change the course of history.

According to Trump's tweets, he first stumbled upon the concept of time travel while watching an episode of "Back to the Future" in the White House theater. Inspired by the film's protagonist, Marty McFly, Trump began experimenting with various scientific methods to make time travel a reality.

Unsurprisingly, Trump's claims have been met with skepticism from the scientific community. Renowned physicist Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson responded to Trump's tweets, saying, "If Trump really invented time travel, I'm still waiting for him to go back in time and prevent the release of 'Cats' the movie."

Despite the lack of evidence or support from experts, Trump remains steadfast in his belief that he has the power to change the past. In a recent press conference, he declared, "I have the best time machine, folks. It's tremendous. Believe me, I'm going to go back and win that election so bigly, you won't even believe it."

Trump's claims have also sparked a wave of conspiracy theories among his supporters. Some believe that he has already traveled back in time and altered historical events to ensure his victory in the 2020 election. One supporter tweeted, "I knew it! Trump is a time-traveling genius. He probably went back and convinced the founding fathers to make him president for life!"

As news of Trump's time travel invention spread, other world leaders have expressed their concerns. German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated, "If Trump can change the past, what's to stop him from altering the future? We must be prepared for a world where anything is possible, even a reality where 'covfefe' becomes a legitimate word."

While Trump's claims may seem outlandish to many, his die-hard supporters continue to rally behind him. One supporter summed up their feelings by saying, "If anyone can invent time travel, it's Trump. He's the greatest inventor of all time. Just look at his hair!"

As the debate over Trump's time travel claims rages on, one thing is clear: the former president's imagination knows no bounds. Whether or not he actually invented time travel remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain – Trump's ability to capture the attention of the world with his outrageous statements is truly unparalleled.