Trump Indicted for Communicating with Shushing Emojis and Receiving Bizarre Orders from Boss: Declares Himself President of Outer Space

In a shocking turn of events, former President Donald Trump has been indicted for a truly bizarre crime: communicating with shushing emojis and receiving bizarre orders from his boss. As if that wasn't enough, he has also declared himself the President of Outer Space. Yes, you read that right. Outer Space.

It all started when investigators stumbled upon a series of text messages exchanged between Trump and an unknown individual. These messages were filled with shushing emojis, which left investigators scratching their heads. What could these shushing emojis possibly mean? Were they secret codes? Or was Trump simply trying to silence his critics in the most passive-aggressive way possible?

As the investigation deepened, it became clear that there was more to this story than meets the eye. Trump's boss, who remains unidentified, was reportedly sending him bizarre orders that ranged from demanding a lifetime supply of cheeseburgers to insisting that he build a wall around the moon. Yes, you read that right. A wall around the moon.

When questioned about these strange messages and orders, Trump simply shrugged and declared, "I am the President of Outer Space, and I can do whatever I want." It seems that Trump has taken his love for grandiose titles to a whole new level. Move over, Commander-in-Chief, there's a new President in town, and he's set his sights on the final frontier.

Unsurprisingly, the news of Trump's self-proclaimed presidency of Outer Space has caused quite a stir. NASA officials are scratching their heads, wondering how they missed the memo about the new leader of the cosmos. Astronauts are reportedly divided, with some questioning the legitimacy of Trump's claim and others eagerly awaiting their new Commander of the Milky Way.

Meanwhile, world leaders are struggling to come to terms with this unprecedented development. Diplomats from various countries are frantically trying to establish diplomatic relations with Outer Space, unsure of how to address their new intergalactic counterpart. Will there be trade agreements with Mars? Will there be interplanetary summits? Only time will tell.

As for the charges of communicating with shushing emojis and receiving bizarre orders, legal experts are scratching their heads. It seems that the law has yet to catch up with the ever-evolving world of emoji communication and extraterrestrial governance. Who knew that shushing emojis could lead to criminal charges?

While the outcome of this case remains uncertain, one thing is for sure: Trump's antics never fail to entertain. Whether he's declaring himself the President of Outer Space or tweeting at 3 a.m., he always manages to keep us on our toes. So, buckle up, folks. The Trump train is showing no signs of slowing down, even in the vast expanse of Outer Space.