Trump Plans to Round Up Undocumented Immigrants and Hold Them in 'Fortress McFortface'

In a move that has left many scratching their heads, President Trump has announced his latest plan to deal with undocumented immigrants: rounding them up and holding them in a place he calls 'Fortress McFortface.' Yes, you read that correctly. Apparently, the President believes that giving this detention center a silly name will somehow make the whole situation more palatable.

According to insiders, 'Fortress McFortface' will be a state-of-the-art facility located in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by a moat filled with alligators and guarded by a battalion of heavily armed bald eagles. The President insists that this is the only way to keep America safe from the threat of immigrants who, as we all know, are responsible for all of our problems.

But wait, it gets even better. In addition to the moat and the bald eagles, 'Fortress McFortface' will also feature a giant wall, because apparently, one wall just isn't enough for this administration. This wall will be made of solid gold, encrusted with diamonds, and will be visible from space. Trump believes that the sheer opulence of the wall will deter any potential immigrants from even thinking about crossing the border.

Of course, the President's plan has drawn criticism from both sides of the political spectrum. Critics argue that rounding up undocumented immigrants and holding them in a fortress is not only inhumane but also a colossal waste of taxpayer money. They suggest that perhaps there are better ways to address the issue, such as comprehensive immigration reform or investing in programs that support immigrants in becoming contributing members of society.

But Trump remains unfazed by the criticism, insisting that 'Fortress McFortface' is the best solution. In fact, he has even suggested that he might hold a reality TV show at the facility, where contestants compete for the chance to be deported. He believes that this will not only entertain the American people but also serve as a deterrent for future immigrants.

As the nation waits to see if 'Fortress McFortface' will ever become a reality, one thing is for certain: the Trump administration's approach to immigration continues to be as absurd as ever. Perhaps it's time for them to come up with a more sensible plan, one that doesn't involve moats, bald eagles, and reality TV shows.