Trump's Lawyers Propose 2026 Trial Date in Federal Election Case, Claim Time-Traveling Witnesses Will Testify

In a shocking turn of events, former President Donald Trump's legal team has proposed a trial date for the federal election case of 2026. Yes, you read that right - 2026! But that's not the most mind-boggling part; they claim that time-traveling witnesses will testify in this trial. It seems like Trump's lawyers have taken a page out of science fiction novels to defend their case.

According to the legal team, these time-traveling witnesses will provide crucial evidence that allegedly proves widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. They argue that these witnesses have traveled back in time from the future to shed light on the alleged wrongdoing. Perhaps they have a DeLorean tucked away in their legal briefcases?

One can only imagine the scene in the courtroom when these time-traveling witnesses take the stand. Will they arrive in a cloud of smoke, wearing futuristic attire? Or will they simply materialize out of thin air, leaving the judge and jury in awe? The theatrics alone would be worth the price of admission!

But let's not forget the real question here: how exactly did Trump's lawyers manage to find these time-traveling witnesses? Did they put out an ad in the classifieds section of a future newspaper? Or did they stumble upon a secret time-traveling community hidden deep in the mountains?

It's also worth pondering the credibility of these witnesses. Are they reliable sources of information, or are they just trying to rewrite history to suit their own narrative? And if they have the ability to travel through time, why didn't they intervene earlier to prevent the alleged fraud from happening in the first place?

As absurd as this proposal may sound, it does raise an interesting question: if time-traveling witnesses can be accepted as evidence, what other fantastical elements could be introduced in future trials? Will we see unicorns providing alibi statements or aliens testifying in intergalactic disputes?

While we await the court's decision on this mind-bending proposal, one thing is for certain: Trump's legal team has certainly taken the concept of "alternative facts" to a whole new level. Who needs evidence and witnesses from the present when you can bring in time-traveling witnesses from the future?

So mark your calendars, folks! If this proposal is accepted, we can all look forward to the trial of the century in 2026, where time-traveling witnesses will take center stage. Just make sure to bring your popcorn and a pinch of skepticism - after all, you never know what surprises the future might hold!