Trump's Pet Parrot Denies Any Knowledge of Attempted Election Overturn

In a shocking turn of events, President Donald Trump's pet parrot, aptly named "Covfefe," has come forward to deny any knowledge of the attempted overturn of the 2020 election results. The parrot, known for its uncanny ability to mimic human speech, held a press conference on Tuesday morning to address the allegations.

With a squawk that can only be described as defiant, Covfefe took to the podium and declared, "I am a very smart bird, the smartest bird you've ever seen. But let me tell you, folks, I have no idea what you're talking about. No idea whatsoever."

The parrot's denial comes as a surprise to many, as it has been a constant presence in the Oval Office, perched on President Trump's shoulder during important meetings and even reportedly offering its two cents on policy matters. Some have speculated that Covfefe may have been privy to classified information regarding the alleged attempts to overturn the election.

However, Covfefe vehemently dismissed these claims, stating, "I may be a parrot, but I have the best memory, the best memory you've ever seen. Believe me, folks, I would remember if something like that happened. But it didn't. It's all fake news!"

As reporters pressed the parrot for more information, Covfefe simply repeated its denial in a series of squawks and whistles, leaving the audience in a state of confusion. Some began to question whether the parrot was genuinely unaware or if it was simply playing dumb.

Political analysts have speculated that Covfefe's denial may be a strategic move to protect its owner. By claiming ignorance, the parrot may be attempting to shield President Trump from any potential legal repercussions. After all, who would suspect a parrot of being involved in a political scandal?

While the parrot's denial may seem comical, it raises serious questions about the state of transparency and accountability in the Trump administration. If even the president's pet parrot can avoid answering difficult questions, what hope is there for the truth to come to light?

As the press conference came to an end, Covfefe flew off the podium, leaving the room in a flurry of feathers. Whether the parrot's denial will hold up under further scrutiny remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain: the Trump administration continues to provide endless fodder for satire and amusement.