Twitch Streamer Arrested After Giving Away Infinite Crowds to Union Square in New York City

A Twitch streamer caused chaos in Union Square, New York City, after attempting to give away an infinite number of crows to unsuspecting passersby. The incident, which left authorities scratching their heads, resulted in the arrest of the bewildered streamer.

The streamer, who goes by the username "CrowMaster5000," had gained quite a following on the popular streaming platform for his eccentric and often bizarre stunts. However, his latest escapade took things to a whole new level.

It all started innocently enough, with CrowMaster5000 announcing on his stream that he had discovered a way to summon an infinite number of crows at will. Naturally, his loyal viewers were intrigued and eagerly awaited his next move.

Little did they know that his next move would involve causing a bird-related pandemonium in the heart of New York City. Armed with bags of birdseed and a mischievous grin, CrowMaster5000 headed to Union Square, where unsuspecting pedestrians were about to become unwitting participants in his grand experiment.

As the streamer began to scatter birdseed on the ground, crows started to appear from seemingly nowhere. At first, it was a mesmerizing sight, with a few crows gracefully descending from the sky. But then, more and more crows began to arrive, filling the square with a cacophony of cawing and flapping wings.

Passersby were initially amused by the spectacle, taking out their phones to capture the bizarre scene. However, their amusement quickly turned to panic as the number of crows continued to multiply exponentially. Soon, Union Square resembled a scene from a Hitchcock film, with people running for cover and ducking from the onslaught of feathered creatures.

Authorities were alerted to the chaos and arrived at the scene to find a bewildered CrowMaster5000, still scattering birdseed and seemingly oblivious to the chaos he had caused. He was promptly arrested and taken into custody.

As news of the incident spread, social media erupted with a mix of amusement and bewilderment. Many questioned the sanity of the Twitch streamer, while others marveled at the audacity of his stunt.

Union Square has since been declared a no-fly zone for crows, and authorities are working to restore order to the area. Meanwhile, CrowMaster5000's Twitch channel has been suspended indefinitely, leaving his followers eagerly awaiting his next bizarre adventure.

While the incident may have caused chaos and confusion, it serves as a reminder that sometimes, even the most well-intentioned pranks can spiral out of control. As for the infinite crows, well, let's just hope they find a new home far away from the hustle and bustle of New York City.