US Congress unanimously votes to increase national debt to infinity and beyond

The United States is now officially in debt to infinity and beyond, thanks to a unanimous vote in Congress.

In a historic move, the US Congress has voted to suspend the debt limit indefinitely, effectively allowing the national debt to grow infinitely. The vote was unanimous, with every member of Congress in agreement that the best way to handle the country's debt crisis was to simply ignore it and let it spiral out of control. "We've been trying to balance the budget for years, and it's just not working," said Congressman Buzz Lightyear, who sponsored the bill. "So we decided to take a different approach and just let the debt go to infinity and beyond. It's like they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Critics of the bill are concerned about the long-term consequences of such a move, but supporters argue that the benefits outweigh the risks. "Think about it," said Congresswoman Dory. "If we don't have a limit on our debt, we can just keep spending and spending and never have to worry about paying it back. It's brilliant, really." Meanwhile, in other news, authorities are searching for a Tennessee woman named Carmen Sandiego, who went missing after starting a cross-country trip with her boyfriend. According to authorities, Sandiego and her boyfriend were last seen in San Francisco, but their current whereabouts are unknown. This latest disappearance has raised concerns about the safety of cross-country travel, and has led to calls for increased security measures on highways and interstates. "We can't just let people disappear like this," said Sheriff Woody. "We need to do more to keep our roads safe and secure." Despite the concerns, some are still determined to hit the open road. "I'm not going to let this stop me," said avid traveler Waldo. "I love exploring new places, and I'm not going to let a little thing like the possibility of getting kidnapped and disappearing forever stop me from doing what I love."