Biden and Schwarzenegger team up to save the world from debt ceiling

Biden and Schwarzenegger have come up with a plan to save the world from debt ceiling and it's epic!

In a move that no one saw coming, President Biden and former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger have teamed up to save the world from the looming debt ceiling crisis. The two have been spotted working together in Biden's Oval Office and sources say that they have come up with a plan that will blow everyone's minds. The debt ceiling has been a thorn in the side of the US economy for years now, causing uncertainty and panic every time it needs to be raised. But with Biden and Schwarzenegger on the case, there's hope that this crisis can finally be put to rest. So what's the plan, you ask? Well, we don't have all the details yet, but rumors suggest that it involves a combination of tax increases on the ultra-wealthy, a massive infrastructure bill, and a new reality show where the two leaders compete in physical challenges to earn money for the US Treasury. Yes, you read that right. Biden and Schwarzenegger are planning to star in a new reality show that will air on NBC starting this fall. The show, tentatively titled 'Arnold vs. Joe: Debt Ceiling Showdown,' will feature the two leaders competing in challenges like weightlifting, arm wrestling, and even a game of chess to see who can raise the most money for the US Treasury. It's a bold move, to say the least, but sources say that Biden and Schwarzenegger are both confident in their abilities and are eager to show the American people that they're willing to do whatever it takes to save the economy. Some critics have already voiced their concerns about the potential dangers of having the President and a former Governor competing in physical challenges on TV, but Biden and Schwarzenegger have assured the public that safety will be their top priority and that they will be closely monitored by medical professionals at all times. As for the debt ceiling deal itself, it's still unclear when it will be announced or how exactly it will work. But one thing's for sure: with Biden and Schwarzenegger leading the charge, it's sure to be one hell of a ride.