Biden and the GOP finally agree on something: The benefits of a good nap

Biden and the GOP take a well-deserved nap after reaching debt-ceiling deal

In a surprising turn of events, President Biden and the GOP have found common ground - the importance of a good nap. After weeks of negotiations, the two sides finally reached a debt-ceiling deal that will prevent a calamitous default. As a reward for their hard work, they decided to take a well-deserved nap. Biden, known for his love of ice cream and naps, was thrilled with the outcome. 'I'm glad we could come together on this issue,' he said, 'It just goes to show that even in a divided government, we can find common ground.' The GOP, who have been critical of Biden's policies, were equally pleased. 'We may not agree on everything, but we can all agree that a good nap is essential,' said a Republican lawmaker who wished to remain anonymous. As they drifted off to sleep, the two sides seemed content in the knowledge that they had accomplished something together. It remains to be seen whether this new spirit of cooperation will continue, but for now, they are united in their love of a good nap.