Joe Rogan gets the US out of debt by selling magic mushrooms to aliens

The solution to the US debt crisis has been found, and it's quite out of this world

After years of financial struggle, it seemed like the US debt crisis would never come to an end. But then, Joe Rogan stepped in with a revolutionary solution: selling magic mushrooms to aliens. At first, many were skeptical of Rogan's plan. But as it turned out, extraterrestrial civilizations were willing to pay top dollar for the psychedelic fungi. With the profits from these intergalactic deals, the US was able to pay off its debt in record time. Of course, there were some who questioned the ethics of selling mind-altering substances to beings from other planets. But Rogan defended his actions, saying that the mushrooms were grown organically and that the aliens were able to make their own informed decisions about whether or not to partake. It remains to be seen whether this approach will have any long-term consequences, but for now, the US can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that its financial troubles are behind it. In the meantime, Rogan has become a hero to many for his unconventional thinking and willingness to take risks in the face of adversity.