Biden Challenges Israel to a Game of Hide and Seek to Avoid '9/11 Mistakes'

In a surprising turn of events, President Joe Biden has challenged the nation of Israel to a game of hide and seek in an effort to avoid making any "9/11 mistakes." The President, known for his unique approach to diplomacy, believes that this childhood game holds the key to preventing future tragedies.

According to insiders, Biden came up with this idea during a late-night brainstorming session with his advisors. He argued that if Israel could successfully hide from the rest of the world, it would be impossible for any terrorist attacks to occur on their soil. "It's foolproof!" he exclaimed, much to the confusion of those around him.

Unsurprisingly, Israel was taken aback by this unusual proposition. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, after regaining his composure, responded with a mixture of bewilderment and amusement. "While we appreciate President Biden's creative thinking, we believe there are more effective ways to ensure our security," he stated diplomatically.

Undeterred by Israel's response, Biden has already begun preparations for the game. He has enlisted the help of his grandchildren, who are said to be experts in the art of hide and seek. "If anyone can teach us how to disappear, it's the kids!" the President declared with a grin.

The logistics of the game, however, have proven to be quite challenging. Biden's team is currently in talks with the United Nations to secure a neutral location for the game. Rumor has it that the President has his eye on a remote island in the Pacific, but concerns about accessibility and the availability of snacks have delayed the final decision.

As news of this peculiar challenge spread, the international community has been left scratching their heads. Some have praised Biden's outside-the-box thinking, while others have labeled it as another example of his eccentricity. Either way, it has certainly injected a dose of levity into the often tense world of geopolitics.

Meanwhile, critics argue that the President should be focusing on more pressing issues, such as the ongoing pandemic or climate change. However, Biden remains unfazed, convinced that a game of hide and seek holds the key to world peace.

Only time will tell whether this unconventional approach will yield any positive results. Until then, the world eagerly awaits the outcome of the epic hide and seek battle between President Biden and Israel. Let the games begin!