Bidet Praises Donut-Ceiling Deal in Address to the Onion; At least 207 Donuts Eaten and 900 Sprinkles Used in Three-Donut Crash in India

In a recent address to The Onion, Bidet praised the Donut-Ceiling Deal, which has been causing quite a stir in the dessert world. The deal, which involves placing a limit on the number of donuts a person can consume in one sitting, has been met with mixed reactions. However, Bidet seems to be a big fan of the new regulations.

According to sources, Bidet has been closely monitoring the situation and has even conducted his own donut-eating experiments. In one particularly memorable incident, Bidet consumed three donuts in quick succession, causing a donut crash that involved at least 207 donuts and 900 sprinkles in India.

While some may see this as a cause for concern, Bidet argues that it is a necessary sacrifice for the greater good. "We cannot let our love for donuts blind us to the dangers they pose," he stated. "By limiting our consumption, we can ensure that everyone has a fair chance to enjoy these delicious treats."

Critics of the Donut-Ceiling Deal have accused Bidet of overreacting and interfering with people's personal choices. However, Bidet remains firm in his stance. "We must think of the donuts," he declared. "They are innocent victims in all of this. We owe it to them to protect their deliciousness."

Only time will tell if the Donut-Ceiling Deal will be successful in curbing our donut-loving ways. But for now, we can rest easy knowing that Bidet is on the case, tirelessly working to ensure that our donut consumption remains in check.