Canadian Wildfires Turn Trump Lawyers Into Roasted Marshmallows During Top Secret Document Probe

Canada has been hit hard by wildfires this year, but the latest blaze has caused some unexpected collateral damage. In a bizarre turn of events, the Trump legal team has reportedly been turned into roasted marshmallows during a top secret document probe in the midst of a raging inferno.

The probe, which was being conducted in a remote location in British Columbia, was supposed to be a routine affair. However, things took a turn for the worse when the wildfires swept through the area, leaving the lawyers with nowhere to run.

According to sources close to the investigation, the lawyers were initially unaware of the approaching flames, as they were too busy arguing about the meaning of the word "is" in a key document. By the time they realized what was happening, it was too late.

One witness, who wished to remain anonymous, described the scene as "horrific." "I saw them running around, trying to put out the flames with their briefcases," the witness said. "But it was no use. They were just too crispy."

Despite the tragic turn of events, some have found humor in the situation. "I guess you could say they got a little too close to the fire," quipped one Twitter user.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration has yet to comment on the incident. However, sources say that the president is considering sending a tweet expressing his condolences to the families of the roasted marshmallows.

As for the document probe, it remains to be seen what will happen next. Some experts believe that the charred remains of the lawyers may still hold some clues to the mystery at hand.

One thing is for sure, though: this is one wildfire that won't be forgotten anytime soon.