Congressional Clowns Struggle to Pass Debt Ceiling Deal

Debt Ceiling Deal's Next Steps? Good Luck With That...

In today's news, the circus that is the United States Congress continues as they attempt to pass the debt ceiling deal. It seems that the clowns on Capitol Hill are struggling to come to any kind of agreement, with each side more concerned with pointing fingers and placing blame than actually getting anything done. One particularly amusing moment came when Senator Bozo (not his real name, but it might as well be) stood up to demand that his colleagues take the issue seriously. This from a man who has spent the majority of his time in office playing Candy Crush on his phone while important legislation is being debated. Meanwhile, the American people are left to suffer as the government shutdown looms closer and closer. It's almost like watching a bunch of toddlers fight over a toy, except in this case the toy is the entire country. But fear not, dear readers. We have faith that eventually, the Congressional clowns will manage to stumble their way to a resolution. It may not be pretty, and it may not be ideal, but it will be something. In other news, the Texas House has announced the names of the representatives who will prosecute the Ken Paxton case. We're sure that this will be a much smoother process, considering the reputation of the Texas legal system and all.