DeSantos' Pants on Fire, Pence Trips on Banana Peel, Biden Saves Money on Avocado Toast: Hilarious Revelations from Absurd Campaign Finance Reports

In a stunning turn of events, the latest campaign finance reports have revealed some truly hilarious and absurd revelations. From DeSantos' pants catching fire to Pence tripping on a banana peel, and even Biden's surprising money-saving tactics involving avocado toast, this election season has been nothing short of a circus.

Let's start with DeSantos, whose pants seem to have a mind of their own. According to the reports, he spent a whopping $10,000 on fire extinguishers and fire safety training. Now, we're not sure if this is a precautionary measure or if his pants have a tendency to burst into flames, but one thing is for sure – DeSantos is certainly heating up the campaign trail.

And then there's Pence, who apparently has a bit of a slippery situation on his hands. The reports show that he spent $5,000 on banana peels. Yes, you read that right – banana peels. We can only assume that Pence is either trying to recreate some classic slapstick comedy or he's really concerned about the safety of pedestrians everywhere. Either way, it's clear that Pence is slipping and sliding his way through this election.

But perhaps the most surprising revelation comes from Biden, who seems to have found a way to save some serious cash. According to the reports, he spent a mere $10 on avocado toast. Now, we all know that avocado toast has become the symbol of millennial extravagance, but Biden is clearly bucking the trend. While other candidates are spending thousands on fancy dinners and luxurious accommodations, Biden is keeping it simple with his affordable and trendy breakfast choice.

These absurd campaign finance reports have provided us with some much-needed comic relief during this intense election season. Whether it's DeSantos' fiery pants, Pence's banana peel mishaps, or Biden's frugal avocado toast, it's clear that politics can sometimes be stranger than fiction. So, sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the show because this election is definitely one for the books.