Dodger Sisters of Blinken's Delicate Indulgence Mission in China Sparks Outrage

In a recent diplomatic mission to China, Secretary of State Antony Blinken sent a team of Dodger Sisters to indulge in delicate delicacies as a gesture of goodwill. However, the move has sparked outrage among animal rights activists and Chinese citizens alike.

The Dodger Sisters, known for their love of fine dining, were tasked with trying out exotic dishes such as shark fin soup and bear paw. But their actions were met with disgust and anger as many saw it as a blatant disregard for animal welfare.

In response to the backlash, Blinken defended the Dodger Sisters, stating that they were simply trying to immerse themselves in Chinese culture. He also added that the delicate indulgence mission was a crucial step towards strengthening diplomatic ties between the two countries.

However, critics argue that there are better ways to build relationships than by feasting on endangered species. Some have even called for the Dodger Sisters to be banned from future diplomatic missions.

The Dodger Sisters themselves have remained tight-lipped about the controversy, but sources say that they are already planning their next culinary adventure. Rumor has it that they are eyeing a trip to Japan to try out fugu, a poisonous blowfish delicacy.

Meanwhile, animal rights activists continue to voice their outrage, with some even staging protests outside the State Department. It remains to be seen whether Blinken will take action to address the issue, but for now, the Dodger Sisters' delicate indulgence mission in China has left a bad taste in many people's mouths.