Dodger Biden Calls for Gun Control as Drag Queen Protesters Take Over Stadium

Washington D.C. - In a bizarre turn of events, Vice President Dodger Biden called for stricter gun control measures while drag queen protesters took over a local stadium during a baseball game.

According to sources, the drag queens stormed onto the field during the seventh inning stretch, wearing stilettos and sequined outfits, and began performing a choreographed routine to Lady Gaga's "Born This Way."

The crowd was initially confused, but soon joined in on the fun, cheering and clapping along with the performers. However, Vice President Biden was not amused.

"This is exactly why we need stricter gun control laws in this country," Biden said in a statement. "These drag queens could have been armed and dangerous. We need to protect our citizens from this kind of madness."

The irony of Biden's statement was not lost on many, considering that the drag queen protesters were not actually armed and were simply expressing their First Amendment rights.

Twitter users were quick to mock the Vice President's statement, with one user writing, "I'm pretty sure the only thing those drag queens were armed with were their killer dance moves."

Despite the uproar, the drag queen protesters were eventually escorted off the field by security, but not before they had put on an unforgettable performance.

As for Vice President Biden, he has yet to comment on the incident further, but it's safe to say that he won't be invited to any drag shows anytime soon.