Thousands of Protesters Gather Outside Stadium for 'Pride Night' Hosted by L.A. Doggos, as Putin Threatens to Put Tactical Nukes in Belaruffins

Los Angeles – Thousands of protesters gathered outside the stadium last night to protest the "Pride Night" hosted by L.A. Doggos. The protesters were seen holding signs that read "Doggos are not allies," "Paws off our Pride," and "No more woof means no more oppression." The event was expected to include a parade of dogs dressed in rainbow colors, but protesters argued that it was insensitive to the LGBTQ+ community and exploited their struggle for equality. Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened to put tactical nukes in Belaruffins, causing concern among world leaders. However, instead of focusing on this potential threat to global security, the media was fixated on the controversial dog parade. One protester, who wished to remain anonymous, stated, "I can't believe we're even having this conversation. Dogs are not people, and they do not understand the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights. This is just another example of how corporations are using our community for profit." In response to the backlash, L.A. Doggos issued a statement saying, "We apologize for any offense caused by our Pride Night event. We fully support the LGBTQ+ community and recognize that our actions were insensitive. We will be donating a portion of the proceeds to LGBTQ+ organizations." Despite the apology, protesters continued to chant outside the stadium, demanding that the event be canceled. Some even brought their own dogs dressed in anti-Doggos t-shirts. As tensions continue to rise both domestically and internationally, it's clear that we need to prioritize the issues that truly matter. While the dog parade may seem harmless, it's important to remember that there are much bigger problems at hand. Let's focus on those and leave the dogs to their bones.